Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tootoo Doesn't Forget Last Meeting

The last time the Redwings and Stars met at Joe Louis Arena was a week ago where the Stars spoiled the home opener beating the Redwings 2-1. Jordin Tootoo was injured in that loss with a viscous hit to the head. The Redwings played the Stars in a rematch last night (January 29) where the Redwings got revenge with a 4-1 victory. Not only did the Redwings get revenge, but specifically Jordin Tootoo got his revenge twice. Once, just 2 seconds into the game, he dropped the gloves with Eric Nystrom where he had won the fight and this eventually ignited the Redwings with momentum.

(Retrieved from Youtube)

Then, 16 minutes later in the 1st period, Brenden Dillon wanted a piece of Jordin Tootoo. They also dropped the gloves. Jordin Tootoo seems to know his role on the Redwings and is playing it very well as the Redwings were ranked last in the NHL in fighting majors, where as this year they are currently ranked 1st. The Redwings have always seemed to be a team that does not fight, and counts on winning games with their talented offense. This year, with certain players retiring and leaving the club, they need to find new ways to win and seem to be doing just that. Tootoo will have his players' backs it seems and the opponents should be aware of this as players seem to pick on the Wings' top stars. 

                                                         (Retrieved from Youtube)

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