Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Brunner Pulls the "Datsyukian" Shootout Goal

The Detroit Redwings picked up their first Win of the season Monday night vs the Columbus Blue Jackets in a 4-3 F Shootout victory. The Redwings took a 2-0 lead in the 2nd period when Columbus answered with 3 un-answered goals, putting them ahead over Detroit 3-2 with 5 minutes remaining in regulation. The Redwings' star forward, Pavel Datsyuk tied the game with 4:33 remaining in regulation. There was no action in the Overtime period which caused the game to go to a shootout. The shootout went to the 4th round (sudden death) where Damien Brunner was selected to shoot; and he scored an unbelievable goal, also known as the "Datsyuk".

                                                                 (Retrieved from Youtube)

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